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About JAH

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JAH catalysts help formulate survival and security measures at a local level and initiate symposiums about change and transformation. Failure to bring radical correction in CO2 emissions along with globalisation breakdown is leading to a perilous state worldwide.

Not that the majority of citizens are tuned in, but rather tuned out by a mass media stranglehold run by self-serving interests with a commercial agenda. Over 40 years of pleas, laments and protests have gone unheeded with nothing more than gestures in the scheme of things now allied to clever green washing business as usual campaigns.

An overall illusion is being created things are being rectified when nothing has fundamentally changed that is not the fault of the general public oblivious to what is ahead of them despite climate change calamities emerging now.

Our planet is now in a 2.0 Celsius global warming battle as CO2 levels near 425 parts per million. This 2.0 C threshold also threatens a 3.0 - 4.0 C overall global temperature gain that will see an end of 50% (or more) percent of humanity by about mid-century.

This is a realistic claim by an educational think tank on radical action required to avert global heating extinction events and backed by solid science.

1.5 Celsius global warming is locked in as CO2 emissions reached their highest level in 3.6 million years (July 2022) and keeps rising.

No one is exempt from the laws of physics. The best that can be done at this late juncture is mitigate things as much as possible and prepare for environmental and economic collapse which is underway now.

There will be no escape to some nefarious haven for the vast majority of us while a handful of billionaires prepare their survival bunkers.

These billionaires will also discover there will be no peace or safe place to hide for them either --- if we do not fix the climate nightmare.


The climate consequence-driven issue of demise of 'The Rule of Law' is a crucial matter for governments to address being raised by groups with the science and foresight to see what is closing in.

An example of the coming breakdown is the current war disruption on food supplies in Europe in 2022 and the vulnerable nature of centralised globalisation supply chains worldwide.

Consensus amongst groups that closely assess the Global Heating Emergency is at least 50% of the human race will be in mass migration events well before 2050 with extinction events in between. The rule of law will fail in many countries as people desperately swing from one political party extreme to another looking for a saviour as happened in the Second World War.

With others, JAH will focus on helping citizens prepare and adapt for what cannot be avoided and encourage communities to think about what would be a desirable progressive social system instead of the dogmas of the extreme Left and the Right.

As things stand, unless we get an interruption by a global depression, large scale war, a magnetic pole shift, a geological catastrophe that leads to a global cooling shift - the global heating extinction emergency will control our collective destiny with an unfolding nightmare. These events barring a global depression are unlikely but illustrate the sort of correction required.

In this scenario at least emissions increases might level out and we get something of a small reprieve if tipping points have not been already reached.

Governments need to cooperate and bring about a radical correction which is not happening. As a community we have to find cooperative ways to relate.

Collaboration is sought with groups and volunteers worldwide and now includes: : : : ...

We require a new synthesis based on social progress thinking and respect for all life. If there is a better way that embodies the laws of physics and science then join us in open dialogue.

The JAH community stems from social service backgrounds for Project Jonah 'Save the Whales' Friends Of the Earth : Minority Language Library [ f] : Link Translator : Climate Change Issues [ f] : WorkTrader 'Time Value Work Exchange.' : Community Futures Planning : New Era Convergence and advocates of cooperative systems working for the elevation of society, physically, mentally and spiritually.

We stand at a crossroads as greed driven forces undermine the stability of society and erode their own foundations at a quickening pace. Mutual belligerence between various countries, corporations and governments does nothing to prevent a collapse while vast expenditures go into military conflict as international bodies flounder along.

A dynamic balance means a market economy deploying entrepreneurial skills and the progressive utilisation of resources and potential. Such an economy will have a structure of key industries, industrial cooperatives for local manufacturing and better wealth distribution ('mass capitalism'), Consumer and farmer cooperatives and a private business sector efficient at that scale. In such a system millionaires remain an incentive factor based upon the collective approval of society.

There are several other dimensions to an economic democracy that guarantees a minimum income of housing, education, food, clothing and medical care. It is not about the notion of 'degrowth' being bandied about, but adjustment with time, place and person.

How we steer our way out through our predicament and bring a cooperative world is for discussion in democratic forums such as symposiums.

Our transition is going to be difficult as the current state of plunder hits hard for millions already feeling the results of the global heating emergency and ecological disasters reflected in the politics of desperation and fear.

The way forward is to unite and bring new ideas and a new hope to guide and inspire humanity to build a new society on the basis of values that show great care for people and the planet. Prepare to survive and thrive.

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