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Under sponsorship of the PROUT Institute, we (Tom Paprocki and Natasha Sweitzer) began collecting information on progressive organizations and what they were doing in regard to improving social, economic and environmental conditions either locally, regionally, or globally.

We performed this asset mapping to not only understand what others are doing, but also which ones we might potentially ally with in achieving our mutually compatible goals.

There are numerous organizations out there focusing on social justice, economic justice, environmental justice, etc., justice oriented organizations were not the focus of our current search, but could be included in the future.

      What we found valuable in collecting this information is:

  • Being exposed to others with a transformative vision about what a new system could look like

  • Learning what kinds of models are being built, what kinds of strategies are being explored, and what activities others are pursuing in trying to improve people’s economic situation

  • Discovering how to tap into existing networks of organizations and who could be potential partners

  • Learning what research is out there on how to improve economic conditions and on the lessons learned in applying this research

  • Exploring the type of services that support organizations provide and learning how to access that support

      To organize this information, we have prepared 4 documents to  

       allow users to access this information in different ways:

  • A spreadsheet (focused on raw data collection)

  • A map (focused on geographic location)

  • A summary list (focused on descriptions and additional information)

  • A list of contact options (focused on potential actions to take)


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