Join-A-Hub survival and security groups setup in local areas to prepare for an impending global crash and runaway Global Heating Emergency loosely known as climate change.
Community hubs relate to local government and solution-orientated programs through local blogs and gatherings. We team-up and get the ball rolling to make an impact with communities and work with other localisation and climate change groups.
Local governments will be unable to avoid a community catalyst that brings the issue of survival and security to their doorstep.
Local action is crucial as many people are oblivious to a looming crisis as they go about their daily lives. While wealthy individuals and their inside corporate reports say prepare for breakdown and consider survival bunkers.
JAH hubs are the basis for starting various cooperatives, local industry and a voice for communities about survival factors including income and medical treatment. We move towards resilience and sustainable economic units.
As hubs form they interact with each other over ideas and programs. One major push will be for the formation of symposiums.
Where there is no local hub, individuals and groups initiate a hub name referring to an Action Guide.
Participants create a hub name on using a designation format outlined in the Action Guide. This registration helps the public to locate hubs. Once a hub name is created the founders notify JAH at and this hub is in turn notified on as another communication tool to seek further volunteers.
One example of a hub name is JAHub-61-5114 for Smithfield South Australia and can be found on
Hubs on Fregahub are a way to conduct local community blogs. Another way to discuss matters in general is to join the Facebook group at:
A collaboration form on the JAH website is for groups and organisations in particular and individuals as well to apply for listing their banner on JAH. Joining forces in mutual recognition is essential for survival and security measures and bringing a transition that works for all.
The JAH website provides ready made letters, flyers and advert slips to help engage with communities and councils.
Mitigation and a fighting chance is the Join-A-Hub agenda coupled to localisation groups such as and with other entities and their well defined solutions in for a fighting chance and preparing for a society worth knowing. 2022 (please pass around)
